Wishing you a very happy Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour. I hope you can make it to one of our Christmas services.
Even though Christmas comes around every year, I never tire of the narrative and continue to be amazed at God’s love and the lengths he went to, to send a Saviour to all humankind. This week, I am reflecting on the virgin birth. I understand why it can be an obstacle for some people in coming to faith, but studying it has actually strengthened mine. In my studies I’ve learned that humans have been laying claim to virgin births since time began. A virgin rollcall might include Romulus and Remus, twin founders of Rome, born of the virgin Rhea Silvia. In ancient Egypt, Ra (the Sun) was born of a virgin mother, Net; Horus was the son of the virgin Isis. The Phrygo-Roman god, Attis, was born of a virgin, Nana, on December 25. It resonates because he went on to be killed and was resurrected. In ancient Greece, Persephone was the virgin mother of Jason. And Plato’s mother, Perictione, was a virgin. The list goes on. Hinduism, Buddhism and ancient China all have their share of them. Regardless, the virgin Mary giving birth to the saviour of the world is different. It’s a historical fact known all over the world and celebrated over 2000 years after it happened. This was part of God’s plan for Salvation through faith in Jesus and I pray many more will come to saving faith in him this Christmas. I’m not deterred by some people’s lack of faith, because we have a God who is able to bring something out of nothing. He calls things into being by his mighty word, and he creates new life even in the most barren and unlikely places. Remember God made Sarai to conceive in her old age, and Elizabeth also. It was not too hard for the Holy Spirit to come upon Mary and create new life in her. May he do that for us in a spiritual sense. May the Holy Spirit come upon you afresh this Christmas and fill you with new life and hope. May you rejoice that Christ is in you. May God bless you this Christmas and always. Rev Tanya
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