Have you ever reflected on Jesus' prayer for you?
On the night before he died, Jesus prayed for all who would believe in him through the gospel message. He prayed that all believers would be one in him, and that he would be in us. He prayed that the love God has for Jesus would be in us. And he prayed we would be his witnesses in the world so others might believe. (See John 17:20-26) How does that make you feel? I feel so grateful for his prayer. It shows Jesus' heart for us and his desire for unity in the body of believers. It shows his desire to live in each of us, filling us with God’s love. What a great prayer! I’ve always appreciated the prayers of others. I remember my nana praying out loud for me as a child and I felt as if she really cared about me and wanted good things for me. As an adult now, when others pray over me and speak words of knowledge and prophecy over me I am encouraged and blessed. I also appreciate the prayers of you and others for me. Your prayers strengthen me, and I pray that mine strengthen you. This week I’m praying for you in response to Jesus’ prayer for us. I’m praying that God will draw you closer to him and unite you with one another here at MEAC and with all believers world-wide. I pray our unity will show the world that Jesus is the promised Messiah. I pray your spirit-filled life will testify to that. I pray you will personally know more of God’s great big love for you and receive his love. I pray that the spirit of Jesus will fill you afresh and teach you more and more of him, till you see Christ’s glory. Amen. Yours in Christ, Rev. Tanya
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