Community Trauma Toolkit
This toolkit contains resources to help and support adults and children before, during, and after a disaster or traumatic event. It will help you understand some of the impacts of disaster and how you can help lessen these impacts.
Emergencies and disasters are extremely stressful, and it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Children, even infants, can also be affected. They depend on the adults around them for safety and security, and will need reassurance, care, and opportunities to share their feelings. These resources provide a starting point for you to help children navigate the different stages of a disaster.
This toolkit contains resources to help and support adults and children before, during, and after a disaster or traumatic event. It will help you understand some of the impacts of disaster and how you can help lessen these impacts.
Emergencies and disasters are extremely stressful, and it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Children, even infants, can also be affected. They depend on the adults around them for safety and security, and will need reassurance, care, and opportunities to share their feelings. These resources provide a starting point for you to help children navigate the different stages of a disaster.

If you or anyone you know needs help:
- Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636
- Lifeline on 13 11 14
- Headspace on 1800 650 890
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
- MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
- ReachOut at
- Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) on 1800 008 77
- Masks: The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) advise that the wearing of masks is recommended for at least 7 days after having COVID, if you are a close contact and need to leave home, or if you are visiting or working in sensitive settings such as hospitals or aged care facilities.
- Vaccination: Our services are open to all, regardless of vaccination status. You are not required to check-in or provide your vaccination status to attend.
- Please make use of the hand sanitiser provided.
- If feeling unwell, please do not attend.

Click here for constantly updated information specific to Victoria on Cornavirus (COVID-19) from the Victorian State Government Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS).

Click here for a collection of constantly updated resources from the Australian Government Department of Health for the general public and industry.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Alert constantly updated from the Australian Government (Federal) Department of Health.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Alert constantly updated from the Australian Government (Federal) Department of Health.

The World Health Organization — Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic — a constantly updated page. Check here on a routine basis to fact check 'fake news' and to keep up to date on a truly global scale.